Naba Krishna Das


RNA Structural Biology, Biochemistry

Undergraduate Institute: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (BS)
Graduate Institute: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (MS)
Graduate Institute: Mississippi State University (MS)

Research Advisor: Deepak P. Koirala, Ph.D.

Description of Research

My research project focuses on elucidating high-resolution structural insights and their interactions with binding proteins of viral RNA domains associated with genome replication and cap-independent translation initiation in positive (+)-sense single-stranded (ss) RNA viruses, using synthetic antibodies to understand their functional roles. My projects involve the synthesis and purification of viral RNA constructs as well as the expression and purification of antibodies, particularly the Fab fragments, which are later used as crystallization chaperones. Additionally, it involves the characterization of Fab-RNA binding using various molecular biology, biochemical, and biophysical techniques, and setting up the crystallization trials. Once Fab-RNA crystals are obtained, diffraction data are collected at a national synchrotron facility, and suitable datasets are used to solve the high-resolution crystal structures. Specifically, I work with Enteroviruses such as Coxsackievirus, Rhinovirus, Poliovirus, and Enterovirus, focusing on domains important for viral replication and translation.