Chemistry 2006
Area of Doctoral Study: Chemistry
Undergraduate Institution: Tuskegee University
Graduate Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology (M.S.)
Research Advisor: Dr. Katherine L. Seley-Radtke
Current Position: Manager, Food Safety and Federal Relations, The Coca-Cola Company
Description of Research
The inhibition of critical enzymes in nucleotide metabolism and DNA synthesis can be used as a chemotherapeutic approach to treating many diseases. DNA encodes information by forming specific patterns of methylation, and since gene expression is determined by “reading” these patterns during DNA-protein interactions, disruption of DNA methylation becomes an attractive target for therapy. Disruption of DNA methylation can be accomplished in several ways; in particular, by inhibition of DNA methyltransferase (DNA Metase) and/or S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHase), both established cellular targets for antiviral, antiparasitic and anticancer agents. My research focuses on the design and synthesis of modified nucleosides used to inhibit these essential enzymes.
1. Seley, K.L., Mosley, S.L., Zeng, F., “Carbocyclic Isoadenosine Analogues of Neplanocin A,” Org. Letters 2003, 5, 4401-4403.
2. Seley, K.L. and Mosley, S.L., “Purine Analogues and Their Role in Methylation and Cancer Chemotherapy,” in DNA Methylation and Cancer Therapy, Moshe Szyf, Ed. Landes Bioscience, 2001.
3. Mosley, S.L., “Base-Modified Carbocyclic Nucleosides as Medicinal Agents,” Masters Thesis,2001.