Psychology 2012
Area of Doctoral Study: Human Services Psychology
Undergraduate Institute: Emory University
Graduate Institute: University of Maryland Baltimore County
Research Advisor: Shari Waldstein, Ph.D. & Kenneth Maton, Ph.D.
Current Position: Clinical Psychologist, PsychCare Psychological Services
Description of Research
Broadly, I am interested in promoting health and empowerment and the prevention of problems in communities, groups, & individuals. My research is focused across two areas, 1) addressing racial/ethnic achievement gaps in STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields and 2) studying racial/ethnicdifferences in depressive symptoms and coping strategies.
I am currently assisting with the evaluation of the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program (undergraduate). The program is designed to increase the participation and achievement of underrepresented minority students in STEM fields.
My master’s thesis examined the interplay among gender, academic social support and African-American student achievement.
My dissertation is titled Differences in depressive symptoms among African Americans and Whites: Prevalence, symptom patterns, and coping resources.